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采光区 Lighting district 我们曾次梦想,能否将自然光线进行大的采集并且能够满足对热功能苛刻的要求,让用户得到大价值与感官。对此,更高要求的材料标准,更为复杂的光学设计计算与分析,更精细的制作工艺,我们完成了对自然光线的全天侯收集,几乎无损耗的将自然光线进行折射导入传输至系统内部。 We had numerous dreams, whether natural light s largest acquisition and to meet the demanding requirements of the heating function , allowing users to get the maximum value and comfort the senses . In this regard, the higher material standard requirements , more complex optical design calculations and analysis , fine craftsmanship , we have completed the collection of natural light all day , almost no loss of natural light refraction import transmission to inside the system. 传输区 Transmission area 导光技术是传输区性能重要体现,微乎其微折射的损耗都会使终的效果存在巨大差异, 对此如何开发高性能的导光管道是我们孜孜不倦的追求。直至“羲和”七彩虹导光管道系统的开发满足了这一诉求。 The light guide technology is an important manifestation of the performance of the transmission area , the loss will be minimal refraction there is a huge difference in the final results , this how to develop a high-performance light guide pipe is our tireless pursuit . Until " Xi " Colorful light guide the development of the pipeline system to meet the demands .输出区 Output area 如何让用户得到好的室内效果与感官?普光漫射器使用特殊材制作的透镜采用漫透射技术,这样使光线自然均匀的发散角更大而且能够将管道系统传输光线高效柔和,让室内每一寸阳光都更加惬意和。 How to allow users to get the best indoor effect and comfort the senses ? The Puguang diffuser lens to use special materials diffuse transmission technology , so that the natural light uniformly divergence angle larger transmission pipeline system to be efficient and soft light indoor every inch of the sun are more pleasant and comfortable .

