产品大全 > 家用电器



  鹏志陶瓷  型号 SG
 口径 14cm(mm)  是否分体 否
 是否调温 可调  额定功率 30(W)
 电源电压 220(V)  电源频率 50(Hz)
 耗电 30(W/h)  外行尺寸 150(mm)
 容 1.8(L)  沸水时间 5(min)
 重 430(kg)  产地 广东
 品 陶瓷  送礼用途 广告礼品


本产品,瓷典雅, 釉面光滑柔和,具有耐高温、耐急冷、强度高、抗碰撞、不易划痕等特点,可达到600C 至-20C急冷 不裂。可在液化气炉,电磁炉,微波炉等炉具使用是多功 能砂锅。本产品无无副作用,可炸,炖,煎,煮各种食物,保持食物 的原汁原味。不粘锅,易清洗、安全使用安全等点。特殊规格的砂锅也可根据客户的要 求设计定做!热忱欢迎客户来电垂询!造型 精美,款式新颖。



通过我司网产品的报价、留言订购,或、贸易 通、QQ了解我司产品及报价,确定 订购产品的款式/数(是否开模定做),之后、按照您的产品金额,确定支付方式,/支付宝,汇款之后并通过、QQ 、贸易 通,告知您的联系方式、地址。我司会根据您订购产品的实际数,选择合适的货运,送达您指定的地方。
B:产品数达到整件时,通过公路托运形式,运输到您指定的城市,直达城市1-5天到达,中转城市5-7 天到达。紧急货物请选择航运。
C:整柜产品我司 将为您办理报检、装柜送达指定港口。
付款 方式:
确定订购我司产品后,我司会提供支付宝 及账号,请在定购货物的有效期限内,将货款打入我司提供的支 付宝及账号如需延长汇款时间,请务必通知,如无按时 汇款或无另行通知,将视为放弃该订单。



鹏志陶瓷有限公司是一 家集设计、生产、销售以一体的企,。拥有的生产工艺、技术精湛的员工队伍、雄厚的生产技术力、严谨的现代化管理,以产 大、高、品种规格、价格适宜的势,赢得海内外客户的好评和肯定。

公司集传统工艺和现代 化科技于一体,坚持以创新的实力追求产品的艺术化风格,以精良的产品大限度的满足不同客户的个性需求。产品种类覆盖面高,主 要有耐热砂锅、灯饰灯座、日韩套装餐具酒具、咖啡杯碟、卫浴组合、宾馆酒店用瓷等几百个系列。具备独立开发能力, 研制 开发出的陶瓷产品,瓷典雅,釉面光滑柔和,具有耐高温、耐急冷、强度高、抗碰撞、不易划痕等特点。也能根据不同客户的要 求来样定做具有自己风格特的砂锅、餐具、杯碟、陶瓷灯座工艺品

公司自创建以来,一贯 遵循“、信誉为本”的宗旨;坚定以市场为导向、严抓品,以的陶瓷生产工艺和科学严谨的现代化管理,使我们企不 但在产品上具备的竞争势,而且更加在每一个细节上,为客户提供细致周到的服务。竭诚欢迎各地客户洽谈订购,开发合作,共 谋发展。

==================Company introduction===================
PENGZHI CERAMICS CO., LTD is a ceramic company specializing for handles design, production and sales of high-quality Porcelain. With a first-class production technology, professional staff,strong technical force of production, and strict modern enterprise management. We are able to provide top quality products with yield large, high quality, complete product specifications, and competitive price, which have won good reputation from customers home and abroad.

Our company collection traditional process and modernized science and technology, and insist on creation and innovation of products and always keen on the artistic style of products. We try our best to meet the requirements from different customers. Our main products include: beat-proof casserole, decoration lighting, tableware, coffee cup and saucer, bathroom accessories, hotels porcelain, and so on. With good independent development ability, our products have the characteristics of high temperature resistance, resistance to cold, impact resistance, not easy to scratch; it looks of high-grade grace, and smooth soft. We can provide products according to different customers requirement with its own custom-style characteristics of sand pot, tableware, cups and saucers, ceramic lamp holder handicraft.

PENGZHI since its inception, has consistently adhered to the " Quality First, Reputation Suprem "; we firmly follow the principle of market-oriented, control quality strictly to keep our competitiveness. We warmly welcome your negotiation and visit , we sincerely hope that we can establish good business relationship in near future.

