产品大全 > 汽摩及配件 > 汽车影音



  佳维  型号 FM-117
 重 0.18(g)  存贮容 SD卡
 屏幕颜色 无屏幕  电源方式 点*器式车载MP3
 音源来源 车载集成MP3播放器

1. 可以当作磁带在汽车音响/录音机/随身听/复读机中播放。可以利用磁带机中的“快进/快退”按键进行“上一首/下一首”的选歌操作。

2. 使用方便,只要打开拨动开关,不需要其他任何额外操作,也不管播放器处于状态(比如播放/暂停/停止/关机),只要插入磁带机中,都可以正常播放。

3. 可以单独当作标准卡式MP3播放器使用。支持0~2G的SD/MMC卡以及mini SD卡。

4. 可以单独当读卡器使用。

5. 内置可充电锂电池,播放时间达5小时,可以反复充放电1000次。

6. 可以利用汽车的点*器来对该机器充电。

7. 传输接口:USB2.0接口方式
1. Play MP3 in your car stereo/boom box/cassette
Set the ON/OFF switch to “ON”, and insert into car stereo or boom box or cassette, if in car stereo, the mp3 songs in SD/MMC card can be played automatically. Otherwise you should press down the “play” button of boom box or cassette to start the mp3 playing. In all cases, the songs are played sequentially.
When the machine is playing, you can press down the “fast forward/rewind” button of cassette to select the next or previous mp3 song, press down and hold the button for a 4-seconds, the next or previous selecting operation will be executed once. When you press down and hold “fast forward/rewind” for a long time, the next or previous operation will be executed more and more frequently.

2. Use as a standalone MP3 player

3. Use as a SD/MMC card reader

