产品大全 > 加工



各位客户好, 本厂现从国外引进印花技术, 填补了国内原有印花方法的硬伤。 势特点: 可在含棉50%-面料料上印花, 可加工裁片,或者成品衣服 图案可有渐变过度效果, 图案颜色与电脑设计图相似度95%以上,肉眼本分辨不出 油墨完全附着布料纤维,印花位置保持原面料透气性, 生产批大小随意控制,确定下单后都可以退打样费 注意事项: 制成品颜色牢度3级以上,水洗30次内图案不掉色,30次左右后开始小小掉色,但与其他衣服混洗不会染色,即保一个季度不掉色没有问题 另可增加固色工序,面料洗到破了也不会掉色,增加此道工序需要另增加费用 大批下单可加工浅色,深色面料,小批下单只能加工浅色面料 广州市润华服装有限公司加工各梳织,主营 订做工作服,职套装, 促销服装,比赛队服,公司活动用的服装,广告衫,赛车服,F1赛车服 我们注赛车元素服装12年,免费提供设计方案, 多年来已得 到各大客户的肯定,包括TOYOTA,奔驰,麦当劳,华南理工大学方 程式车队,宣明会等等,我们的团队值得你们信赖,我们期 待为您服务 APPAREL FACTORY GUANGZHOU Professional processing the needle combs weaves, of which the main work clothes,professional suit made, sales promotion clothing, game shirt, the company with clothing, guanggu shan activities, overalls, F1 car clothing. We focus on racing elements of clothing for 12 years, free to provide a full range of design, in this years has been the many customer affirmation, including TOYOTA, Mercedes, McDonalds, racing formula of south China university of technology, world vision, etc.,Our professional team is worthy of your trust. we are looking forward to service for you.

