企业名录 > 北京企业名录 > 朝阳区企业名录 >






北京中联展览有限公司,是由具有多年外展经验的人士组成。 以境外展览推广,展会咨询,出国商务考察为主体,为国内企开拓市场,促进对外贸易提供全程解决方案,公司自成立以来,一直以特有的敏锐目光,为国内致力于开拓市场的企进军市场提供高效的服务。我们的行涉及:农、五金、建材、太阳能、风能、宠物用品、工程机械等行。已经与德国、美国、英国、法国、意大利、巴西、墨西哥、中东、俄罗斯、南非等国家和地区的众多知名博览会机构建立了密切的合作代理关系,为企进军市场拓宽了贸易与合作的机会! Beijing Zhonglian International Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a professional international fair agency who aims to promote Chinese foreign trade and global investment through the international fairs. Through years of experience in trade fairs, we organized hundreds of Chinese enterprises to attend international trade fairs. Our major industries are involved: Building Materials, Hardware, Security Protection, Labor Protection, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Pet Supplies and Engineering Machinery. Zhonglian’s commercial services has covered throughout Europe, America, Africa, Middle East, Southeast Asia. Zhonglian also has friendly relationship with world-renowned exhibition Organizers, industrial associations and even some governmental organizations. With the steady development of Chinese enterprises, we would like to bring more and more enterprises to the world and get the latest and the fastest informataion in their industries and assisted them to a better development in the future.

