企业名录 > 广东企业名录 > 佛山市企业名录 > 冶金矿产企业名录 > 金属合金制品企业名录






本公司位于珠江三角洲腹地,素有“铝之都”、“铝镇“之称的南海区大沥镇,地处交通便捷的325和321国道的交汇处,是佛山和广州的必经之地。公司总部设在南海区狮山,公司旗下有金辉模具厂。本公司集铝合金型材产品设计、绘图、模具设计制造、生产、加工、表面精处理为一体,生产各类工用铝合金型材制品和高难度及‘超大型截面’铝型材及各种高、中、低档规格的铝合金配件产品。铝合金散热器、面板标牌、机箱外壳、铝网、铝架、铝护栏等结构件产品,并可直接完成铝合金产品的各种花色品种的表面处理,为客户身定做所需铝制品服务。铝产品深加工车间有数车、数铣、锯切冲压、钻孔攻丝、滚花批花、弯管焊接、缩管锥管、拉深旋压、剪板折边等各种板金。表面处理车间从抛光、喷砂、拉纹、氧化着色、二次氧化、硬氧化、喷涂、电泳、木纹、激光雕刻、丝印一条龙服务。模具车间配有精密磨床,数控铣床,数控车床,线切割,电火花等成套精良模具制做设备,为产品的出材成形品打造良好水平。我厂致力于发展工铝材深加工,配备有强大的技术团队,自主研发,协作力强、经验丰富,我们秉承的是以品为生命!以服务树形象!以开拓求发展的企宗旨,热忱欢迎国内外广大新老客户莅临我司参观洽谈!The company is located in the Pearl River Delta hinterland, known as Chinas "Aluminum City", "the first town of Chalco," said Dali Town, Nanhai District, located in the convenient traffic State Road 325 and 321 interchange, Foshan and Guangzhou must pass through.Headquartered in Nanhai District, which owns Jinhui mold company set the aluminum alloy product design, drawing, mold design and manufacturing, production, processing, surface polishing as a whole, specialized in producing aluminum alloy products for industrial use and difficult, and very large section of aluminum and various high , medium, low specification aluminum plant to the development of industrial aluminum processing, with a strong technical team, independent research and development, collaboration and strong, experienced, and we uphold the quality of life is!To serve the good image!Pioneering and innovative development of the enterprise, warmly welcome new and old customers to visit our company visit us!

