企业名录 > 甘肃企业名录 > 随州市企业名录 > 食品饮料企业名录 > 调味品企业名录






由5户农户组成,种植地位于湖北省随州市草店镇王子城乡老鸹村,是神农的出生地;此处位于大别山山脉,这里群山耸立,树林茂密,地广人稀,山清水秀,四季分明;农民世代以种植为生,近年随着种植技术的,香菇、木耳、板栗、茶叶的种植技术逐步得到农民的撑握,种植规模也在进一步扩大。 There are 5 farmer househoulds planting at Laogua Village of Wangzichen County, Caodian Town, Suizhou city, Hubei Province. It is the place where the God-farmer borns. Locating in the Dabie Mountains, and covered by densely trees, it is a scenery place. Farmers here are living by planting all the ages. Nowadays, with the development of panting technology, the planting area of mushroom, agaric, chestnut and tea, is extending. 老鸹村拥有个人承包地1000多亩,种植香菇95000多袋、木耳65000多支、板栗700多亩、天麻10多亩、茶叶300多亩……产稳定、好,由于受太阳辐射和季风环流的季节性变化的影响,这里阳光充足、雨充沛、无霜期较长、严寒酷暑时间较短;再加上土壤肥沃,这造了产品生长周期长、肉厚;在种植时,无施加任何添加剂,生长剂的东西,连菇棚里的小虫、蚂蚁也是养小鸡去捉的,浇水是用小溪里的泉水,因些这里的产品称的上是真正的绿食品。 There are more than 1000 mu farming area contracted by farmers, planting 95000 packages of mushrooms, 65000 pcs of agarics, 700 mu area of chestnut, 10 mu area of rhizoma gastrodiae, and 300 mu area of tea. With ample sunshine and raining, short period of frost and frigidity, and all the most, the fertile soil makes goods quality of the plants. No additives are needed for the plants. Even the bugs and ants are killed by chickens. Planting water is from the streams. The plants here are really the true green food. 老鸹村绿产品,以原生态环境种植出的香菇黑木耳拥有独特的营养价值,其中野生香菇的营养价值更高,味道香、口感好,深受广大消费者的欢迎!

